Since its foundation Elilombarda mainly focuses its interest in activities involving the use of multi-engine helicopters for helicopter rescue and passenger transport services with a further specialization in transport on sea platforms.



Since its foundation Elilombarda mainly focuses its interest in activities involving the use of multi-engine helicopters for helicopter rescue and passenger transport services with a further specialization in transport on sea platforms.
Starting from 1986 the company undertakes one of the first helicopter rescue projects, which foresees the use of a helicopter on behalf of the Milan Niguarda Hospital to carry out medical rescue operations. An Agusta 109 helicopter is positioned inside the Niguarda hospital in Milan with the aim of carrying out the first aid service in collaboration with other regional rescue systems.



The Austa 109 helicopter will then be replaced, given the changes in the needs of the customer, first with an Agusta Bell 412 and then with a BK117; the latter imported, for the first time in Italy, by Elilombarda, which will take care of the type certification at the National Aeronautical Register. The helicopter rescue service in Milan is carried out continuously from 1987 until April 2005 and thanks to the experience gained, is a service of high efficiency and quality. At the end of the eighties Elilombarda was contacted by the freeway company to study, in collaboration with a non-healthcare institution, a helicopter rescue service to operate at freeway junctions, providing medical assistance in cases of emergency. The study has its outlet in the project that will then be named Helicorthesia. This experimental service is the first of its kind to be implemented at the Assago (Milan) junction and managed by the Milano Serravalle Pontechiasso freeway company. The helicorthesia service is carried out continuously from 1991 to 1997 covering the whole area of the Milanese ring roads and the northern area of the Serravalle freeway.



elilombarda OFF-SHORE The year 1990 marks a first significant turning point in the activity of ELILOMBARDA S.r.l. As a matter of fact, after careful checks carried out by companies specialized in the field of quality services for connection with offshore platforms, Elilombarda was admitted in the “VENDOR LIST” of the main oil companies operating in the Mediterranean basin for OFF-SHORE helicopter services with 24 hours operation. Thanks to the company organization, to the crews employed, all rigorously qualified for instrumental flight (IFR), to the presence in the fleet of powerful AGUSTA AB 412 and fast AGUSTA A 109 and, thanks also to the maintenance programs adopted that offer great safety guarantees, Elilombarda enters the OFF-SHORE market operating from the most important bases active in those years including: Ortona, Ravenna, Gela, Crotone, Brindisi. The off-shore and sanitary activity in those years is soon joined by another important activity that of public passenger transport during mass events. In fact, Elilombarda was directly involved in the transport of people during major events such as the World Ski Championships, Formula 1 Grand Prix, world motorcycle competitions and off-shore races, guaranteeing transport for up to 600 passengers per day.


Since the early years of its foundation Elilombarda also plays an active role for the civil protection, in fact it is after the calamity that hit Valtellina in 1987 that the company begins to carry out flight activities both to provide the appropriate regional connection and to provide support to the operators of the first aid. During these activities Elilombarda develops a considerable experience in relations with civil and military bodies, creating a wealth of experience in activities that require maximum efficiency and capacity. Given the excellent results obtained during the activities of helicopter rescue on behalf of the Lombardy Region and passenger transport for oil companies, Elilombarda decides to try to expand its bases and become a company of helicopter rescue operating throughout the country. In fact, to crown its project, in January 1998, Elilombarda was awarded the helicopter rescue service for the Region of Sicily, with operational bases in Catania and Lampedusa. The latter base is among the first of its kind in Italy to provide a continuous activity twenty-four hours a day (H24), thus offering an operational service both day and night.



Thanks to the experience gained in the night environment Elilombarda in 2001 sees its presence increase on the national territory and also complete its operational activity. In fact, Elilombarda is awarded the Helicopter Rescue service for the Campania region The helicopter rescue service provides two operational bases, one of which, the one in Naples, is managed by Elilombarda on a 24-hour basis and also provides for the supply of medical crews that will be subcontracted to a specialized company. ​ The service envisages two types of product to be used, the BK117 C1 or alternatively the A109E helicopter. Elilombarda started the service with the Bk117 C1 and then in April 2004 passed to a new A109E.04 ad un nuovo A109E.



During the year 2001 a second fundamental turning point in the activities of Elilombarda takes place, in fact in the first months of the year it plans to enter the companies able to carry out search and rescue missions through the use of equipment such as the winch and the barycentric hook. This choice is also made in order to be able to guarantee at 360 degrees every kind of rescue activity that a customer could eventually require. The project of approaching this new type of rescue culminates at the end of 2001 with the commissioning of an Ab412 helicopter at the base of Milan equipped with a rescue winch and able to carry out Search And Rescue (SAR) missions throughout the Lombardy region. Moreover, starting from the second half of 2002, the winch rescue service was also made active on the Naples contract, thus guaranteeing also in this region a helicopter rescue service able to cover every type of emergency request throughout the 24 hours.



Starting from 2005 the company plans a complete renewal of its helicopter fleet that leads to have within its management only helicopters of new production and new conception gradually replacing all products previously used and managed. The renewal of the fleet includes the decision to undertake a new and ambitious project with the introduction in the fleet and the management for a further service of the new medium helicopter produced by Agusta called AW139. The project for the introduction of this new model includes a strong training plan for technical and operational staff in order to ensure the same levels of efficiency and quality that have always distinguished the services provided by Elilombarda. The AW 139 project has its crowning achievement with the awarding of the first service in Lombardy where the introduction of this new helicopter is required. The service will be based at the Sondrio base and will provide a day service only with winch operations for possible mountain rescue. The contract was activated in May 2006 and only a few months later saw the introduction of the first Aw139 operational in Lombardy and second nationally, in the first two years of service are performed more than 1000 hours of flight with this helicopter ensuring an efficiency greater than 95% of the total hours of service provided. In order to achieve this kind of result Elilombarda is among the first companies to obtain a certification for the so-called basic maintenance operations on the AW139, due to their complexity, thus offering its customers the ability to intervene quickly even on this new product. In addition to introducing a new helicopter, the service at the Sondrio base has required further operational development to guarantee interventions in the high mountains. In fact, in recent years Elilombarda has stipulated a close collaboration with the Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (CNSAS) (National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps) in order to provide a standardized training program for each figure involved in interventions that are often carried out in extreme conditions.



This project ends with the recognition at regional level of the unified program for the training of all personnel present on the various helicopter bases and sees the introduction, first of its kind, of a didactic system that uses the aid of video supports that represent the methods of the activities to be carried out in a standardized way for all personnel to be trained.